November 3, 2011

Know Me Better & BTT: Harder (Nov. 3)

Know Me Better is hosted by Kathy @ I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.

Her post meme is designed to make bloggers share a little something about themselves. This week's questions are:

11/3 Know Me Better Questions:
What's your favorite season/weather?
PC or Mac?
Favorite music?
Facebook or Twitter?
What TV show/movie/book do you watch/read that you'd be embarrassed to admit?

What's your favourite season/weather?
My favourite season is fall/winter. I love the cold and bundling up, hot cocoa, and scarves. I also find it easier to get warm when it's cold than to get cool when it's hot.

PC or Mac?
Ahhhm, PC. I just find it easier to operate than the Mac, however that's mostly because I don't use the Mac very often. I do like Mac when it comes to image processing though. I also like the Mac's simplicity. But yeah, PC for me.

Favourite music?
ANYTHING. I seriously mean it. I can go from listening to a Justin Bieber song to a The Police song to a SHINee song to a Black Label Society song, and back again. I love all types of music. It just needs to sound good to me and I enjoy it. I can never pick a favourite song, it changes MUCH too often.

Facebook or Twitter?
TWITTER. Although I don't use it very often.

What TV show/movie/book do you watch/read that you'd be embarrassed to admit?
I don't think I have any that I would be embarrassed to admit. If I like something, I like it. If I don't, then I don't. Simple as that. Why should I be embarrassed for liking something when it doesn't really concern anyone else?


This week, Booking Through Thursday, asks:
All other things being equal, would you rather read a book that’s hard/challenging/rewarding or light/enjoyable/easy?
To be honest, I think it all depends on my mood a certain day. If I feel like reading something hard or fluffy, that's what I read. I do, however, sometimes enjoy the more rewarding books than the fluffy ones because at least the hard books teach me something, or I get some insight on an emotion I might not otherwise feel. When it's always fluffy, I can't help but roll my eyes after a while.


Darkest Mercy
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Rise of the Evening Star
Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books
Grip of the Shadow Plague
The Necromancer
City of Fallen Angels
Anne of Ingleside
Where She Went
Dust & Decay
The Legacy
Never Dead
Life Is But a Dream
The Lost Hero
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Demijel's favorite books »