August 31, 2011

REVIEW: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

Me Talk Pretty One DayMe Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I first picked up this book because I thought it would be interesting and it has gotten amazing reviews from some people. I bought it at a second-hand bookstore and paid around $7 for it. Some of you might say that it's not much, but after reading the book, I want my $7 back.

There is only one reason why this gets two stars instead of just one or even zero (which is sadly impossible to give on GR), and that is because some of the anecdotes were slightly amusing, able to raise the corner of my lips into a sort of smile. Other than that...nothing. I just didn't care about what was being written about. I didn't care about Mr. Sedaris or his family or the life he has lived. I didn't find him remotely funny, just incredibly negative and somewhat cynical in his views. I mean I LOVE sarcasm. I love and find it amusing when people are blunt and a bit judgmental. I love witty storytelling and words that paint wonderful pictures. However, during the reading of this book, I felt myself facepalming and wondering how the hell we're breathing the same air. I really don't know what makes an amazing book, or a good book or a bad book, but this just rubbed me the wrong way.

For the sole fact that I paid for the book, I endured trying to read it. Yes, I purposely wasted my time reading this book. You ask why? Because I paid good money for it. This teaches me that I should borrow something from the library first before buying it.

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